Monday, January 28, 2008

Best Covers

1- Formal
2- Formal
3- Environmental
5- Environmental
9- Formal
10- Informal
11- Informal
15- Formal
18- Environmental
19- Formal
20- Environmental
21- Informal
22- Formal
24- Formal
26- Formal
27- Environmental
28- Informal
29a- Formal
29b- Informal
31- Environmental
32- Formal
35- Formal
36- Formal
37a- Formal
37c- Formal
37e- Formal

#31 Newsweek (November 20, 2000) This cover of the November 20, 2000 issue of Newsweek is entitled “The Winner Is…” with a photo of half George W. Bush and half Al Gore. The presidential election had taken place earlier that month, but there was still no clear winner declared because of the close ballot count in the state of Florida. In this issue, Newsweek chronicled the lawsuits, court challenges and endless counting of ballots. The following month, George W. Bush was declared the winner of the closest presidential election in United States history.

Even though this is a photoillustration combining two portraits, it is my favorite magazine portrait cover because the artist makes the two faces blend seamlessly together. You can tell there's a split between Gore's and Bush's faces but you can't make out aprecise line. The red and blue tie and border plays off of the whole event of the vote recounts that occured in the 2000 elections. The perfect centering of the white house behind them adds to the feeling of a split.

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